Garden Design

How to Stop poachers from stealing Your Christmas-like Tree

How to Stop poachers from stealing Your Christmas-like Tree

Do you have beautiful conical evergreens on your property or in your garden? (ones that would make great holiday decorations?) Have they been poached for Christmas trees? Sadly, stolen Christmas trees are a real problem, and if you need help deterring poachers and thieves, there is an answer.

Craig at Ellis Hollow just made the most interesting post, which I think land owners, hotel owners/ developers, and property managers who (hopefully) read this blog might be interested in. 

How to Stop poachers from stealing Your Christmas-like Tree
Paint your evergreens with ‘pink ugly mix’ to prevent stolen Christmas trees.

Pink Ugly mix — to save your beautiful Christmas-like trees from poaching.   The formula was originally developed by Gerardo Sciarra from Cornell University.  Pink Ugly Mix is a red spray that turns trees icky pink as it dries.  The substance, which is made of water (1 gallon), Wilt-proof (4oz), red food coloring (2 oz), and hydrated lime (15 oz – not agricultural), actually improves the soil as it wears off. Genius!!

It takes about a month (just enough to make them really unattractive for the holiday season) before the formula wears off and the trees are as happy and healthy as they were before Christmas. The NY State Department of Transportation has used it with success – you can use it to protect your trees, too.

Oh– and while the name implies they are ugly…I think they look a little festive…

Save other things – like seeds, or trees, or money – read more:

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