
Review: Rockler’s Silicone Sharpening Stone Trays

Review: Rockler’s Silicone Sharpening Stone Trays

To stabilize waterstones on my workbench, and attempt to manage the mess, I’ve turned to silicone potholders in the past. They work OK, but the size isn’t right and the stones tend to wobble. These new silicone sharpening mats from Rockler are designed for the job, and they do it perfectly.

—Asa Christiana is editor at large.

Silicone Sharpening Stone Tray

Editor Recommended Silicone Sharpening Tray

Rockler Silicone Sharpening Stone Tray

At 6 in. wide, with plenty of length for standard waterstones, they have grippy dimples that keep the stones stable and level, plus wide channels all around to catch the water. They also lock together, side by side, so I can have all of my stones available at the same time.

Price: $19.99 at the time of writing

Review: Rockler’s Silicone Sharpening Stone Trays

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