Now that Vic has several iterations of a full shop, what parts of minimalism does he carry with him?
Mike mentions his new favorite tool is an Olfa knife. Amanda got a generous gift from a STL listener, John Snapp, who machined this steel gridding tool for the Shaper Origin.The tool mounts into the Origin in place of a router, and allows the user to set a highly accurate grid for orienting the machine.
4 planes for joinery
Get perfect dadoes, grooves, rabbets, and tenons in no time
Handplane Fundamentals: Special-Purpose Planes
The bevel-up smoother and spokeshave are two tools you’ll want to make room for in your tool cabinet. Mike Pekovich shows you why.
What’s a seemingly small detail in woodworking that actually makes a huge difference in the final piece?
Sand, Scrape, or Plane?
Woodworker Ari Tuckman goes in search of the best way to prepare wood for finishing…with some surprising results.
Secrets for Better Sanding
Learn the right way to random-orbit sand in Part I of our 3-part video series on sanding and surface prep
Tips for Better Sanding
Whether fairing a curve or flattening a tabletop, the right tools and techniques yield quality results
Editor Recommended Marking Knife
Olfa Knife
Comfortable metal handle with a break off blade. A tool for breaking off the blade is built into the handy pocket clip.
Price: $9 at the time of writing
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