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About Lovely Audiobooks…

Eline Lovely Audiobooks

Hello there! My name is Eline, and I’m crazy about audiobooks. It’s ridiculous how much they’ve changed my daily life. I’ve always been an avid reader, but taking the step and trying out audiobooks was a real game changer for me.

I have so much reading time again! Not to mention how much more fun I have while doing chores. I’m so passionate about them that I’ve dedicated an entire blog to all things audiobooks!

Here on the Lovely Audiobooks book blog, you can find recommendations for my favorite Romance books and audiobooks from a variety of genres. And I share a lot of useful tips and tricks to get cheap or even free audiobooks while supporting the fantastic narrators and authors who create them for us.

I’ll help you find the best audiobook service that fits your taste and listening habits! And thanks to my audiobook lists, you’ll always get the most out of your subscription.

For authors, I offer an in-depth guide to audiobook production and marketing, so you can boost your career by turning your book into an audio version that we audiobook fans will love!

Listener Lifestyle

Download the free Audiobook Promotion Guide

In a world bustling with digital content, audiobooks have carved out their own unique niche, offering us listeners a convenient and immersive way to experience literature. If you’re passionate about books and storytelling, learning how to promote audiobooks can be an amazing new adventure with many benefits, both for you and for the authors and […]

How to use Library Extension (background image showing an audiobook concept with many colorful books and black headphones)

If you ever use a computer to browse for new audiobooks to listen to, Library Extension is a must-have and the most useful little thing you can get! It’s simply a free browser add-on (plug-in) that will tell you whether an audiobook is available on Hoopla, Libby, or other audiobook services, so you can easily […]

How to best Support Audiobook Creators

As an audiobook fan, you have your three or four different audiobook subscriptions, and you want your favorite author’s or narrator’s newest audiobook. And now you might wonder… what is the best way to get this audiobook? Is it okay to borrow it through Hoopla, or is it better for the author to buy the […]

For Beginners

How to listen to Audiobooks - A Beginner's Guide (backgroun dimage showing an open book and white earbuds on a blue background)

Audiobooks have so many benefits, it’s no wonder that more and more people want to start listening. If you want to know how to listen to audiobooks and how to find the best audiobooks for beginners, check out my beginner’s guide below! I will help you choose the perfect first audiobook and the right audiobook […]

Why are audiobooks so expensive? Background image showing hands holding a phone and earbuds with a book, glasses, and a cup in the background.

Audiobooks are expensive. Everybody says so. But why are audiobooks so expensive? What goes into making an audiobook that makes it pricier than a paperback? Let’s take a look at the costs involved in producing this specific book format and see why they tend to cost you more than print or ebooks. At the end […]

6 Tips to better focus on Audiobooks (background image showing books, pencils, earbuds, and a phone)

Audiobooks are great, as I’m sure you know. But for some people, they are a difficult book format to get used to. If you have problems to focus on audiobooks, I have some tricks for you that might make it easier to stay engaged in the story or topic! You are likely aware of most […]

Audible Help

Why it can be a Great Idea to Cancel Audible (background image of an ereader, blue headphones and a stack of books)

Here on Lovely Audiobooks, I mostly talk about all the upsides of various audiobook subscriptions. Nevertheless, in this article, I will not only tell you how to cancel Audible but also why it might be a great idea to do so! You see, I do it quite regularly myself because there are several upsides to […]

What you need to know before you return an Audible book (background image showing a person sitting on the floor holding a phone and white earbuds)

It’s a fantastic service for subscribers that you can quickly and conveniently return Audible books. This great feature makes it easy for us listeners to take chances on audiobooks by authors and narrators we don’t know yet. But there are two things you absolutely need to know before trying to exchange a book on Audible! […]

How to Pause Audible and why it sucks! (Background image showing a person sitting on a bew, next to them earbuds, a tablet, and a notebook)

If you’re like me, you probably love Audible. I mean, who doesn’t love listening to books while working out, cooking, or driving? It’s the best way to enjoy books when we’re too busy to sit down to read. And Audible is a great service with many perks! However, there may come a time when you […]

The Best Audiobooks

Collage of 6 of the best audiobooks 2024: A Love Song for Ricki WIlde, Out on A Limb, The Emperor and the Endless Palace, Bride, Wander in the Dark, A Sweet Sting of Salt)

2024 is shaping up to be an excellent year for audiobook fans! Spring has only just sprung and so many good books have already landed in our earbuds and headphones. Find below my personal list of the best audiobooks of 2024 so far, ranging from Romance and Fantasy to Mystery. Happy listening! A Sweet Sting […]

A collage of five of the best audiobooks on Hoopla: The Darkness outside us, Breathe and Count back to Ten, Remarkably Bright Creatures, Take it Back, and Out on a Limb

If you ended up here, you probably love Hoopla as much as I do. Free audiobooks, yay! But Hoopla has so much to offer, it can be difficult to choose your next listen. So, let me share my recommendations with you. These are, in my opinion, 12 of the best audiobooks on Hoopla! These are […]

A collage showing the covers of 5 of the best Thriller audiobooks: Wander in the Dark, Hunting Game, The Method, I'm not Done with you Yet, Perfectly Nice Neighbors

Let’s check out 12 of the best Thriller audiobooks I can wholeheartedly recommend to you! Are you ready to dive into suspenseful stories brought to life by voice actors whose emotional narration will take your breath away? Step with me into the world of the best Thriller audiobooks, where every whispered word and tense pause […]

Romance Book Recommendations

Romance Books with Disabled Characters (background photo shows a cup of coffee, a red book with black headphones on top, and a walking cane)

Romance books about Disability have a special place in my heart. But first things first, Me Before You is not a Romance novel! So, what are we looking for in Romance books with disabled characters? Well, most importantly, everybody lives! … and gets a Happily Ever After! Because people with disabilities and chronic illness find […]

10 of the Best Fantasy Romance Books on Audible (background image shows a magical landscape and a castle in a forest)

Fantasy and Romance are two book genres that can give us wonderful escapism. And my top 10 of the best Fantasy Romance books on Audible are full of adventure and feelings, giving you the best of both genres! Venture into magical lands full of magic and hot, steamy… uhm… coffee. Journey alongside lovable – and […]

Unusual romance books with virgin heroes or awkward sex (at first). Background image showing an open book on the floor and the legs of a woman getting out of bed.

Sometimes, we just need good Romance novels with bad sex! Stories with heroes who can still count the number of partners they’ve had or who even worry about their sexual prowess… We all know the usual Romance hero type. While he might be alpha or beta, grumpy or a nice guy, one thing they all […]

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